Obtaining the license to operate for France's first enzymatic plastics recycling plant

  • Projects

Carbios has developed an innovative method which, unlike traditional thermomechanical processes, uses an enzyme to recycle any type of PET (polyethylene terephthalate, a plastic widely used in packaging) waste indefinitely, without any loss of quality. The company wanted to set up its first plant in Longlaville, Meurthe-et-Moselle, and asked Naldeo Technologies et Industries to draw up the Dossier de Demande d'Autorisation Environnementale (DDAE) examined by the Prefecture.

The main challenge in this project was the environmental constraints of the site. Many experts had to be mobilized and their results consolidated in a very short timeframe, to enable the site to be commissioned as soon as possible.

The environmental permit was obtained following a rigorous administrative procedure, including public consultation. This process made it possible to assess the future impact of the site in terms of protection of water resources and aquatic environments, energy consumption, landscape integration, traffic, etc. Only ten months elapsed between the submission of the first applications and Carbios obtaining its operating permit. As a result, construction of the plant began on schedule at the end of 2023, with commissioning scheduled for 2025.

Obtaining the license to operate for France's first enzymatic plastics recycling plant