Our people

  • Careers

icone métierCan you describe your job?

I recently joined the Naldeo group and enrolled in its Graduate Program. This one-year curriculum is designed for young graduates and gives us the opportunity to explore three of the group's subsidiaries by working in each of them for four months. In my current role, I support manufacturers and energy producers in their transition to low-carbon production processes and greater energy efficiency. We analyze all relevant levers based on their constraints and costs, and then offer them technical recommendations, such as electrification, use of hydrogen or CO2 capture, as an example.

icone projet coup de coeurCan you tell us about one of your favorite projects?

Yes, I recently had the opportunity to carry out a feasibility study on setting up a hydrogen production unit for an energy producer. Initially, my knowledge of hydrogen was merely general, having been acquired during my training in environmental engineering. This assignment gave me the opportunity to deepen my knowledge from a technical, environmental, and business point of view. I was able to explore the subject at my own pace, drawing on a variety of sources, while benefiting from the help and advice of expert colleagues.

icone apprécié chez NaldeoWhat do you like most about the Naldeo group?

The breadth and diversity of expertise within the Group: to my knowledge, this cross-disciplinary approach is quite unique. Whatever the environmental issues faced by our customers, we have the skills to address them and to consider the links and interdependencies between different subjects such as climate, water, and resources. In our practices, we have specialists to answer our questions and keep abreast of the latest technological advances. What's more, there's a lot of exchange between us. For someone like me, who wants to put the many things I've learned in my environmental engineering course into practice, it's an ideal environment for accelerated learning and acquiring a comprehensive, practical view of environmental issues.

icone en dehors du travailWho are you outside of work?

Outside work, I'm involved in voluntary work in inclusion and ecological transition, particularly for schoolchildren. I also enjoy life and social activities with colleagues and friends.

icone avenir chez NaldeoHow do you see your future at the Naldeo group?

I still have two more cycles to complete as part of the Graduate Program, which will give me the opportunity to discover other Group businesses and subsidiaries. My next assignment will be in the Water Transition team at the Naldeo subsidiary, this time in Lyon. At the end of the Graduate Program, I'll be able to choose my assignment according to my preferences and the needs of the teams.

icone métierCan you describe your job?

I run our EMS (energy management system) software development business. This software equips hybrid power plants - which combine renewable energy production and storage - and enables producers to predict and optimize energy production, depending on parameters such as the weather or grid demand. My job is quite comprehensive: I manage a team of 13 people, I'm in charge of sales and technical development, and I supervise operational aspects of our most complex projects.

icone parcours chez NaldeoWhat was your career path at the Naldeo group?

I joined the Group six years ago, to take charge of the Smart Energy business. I had a general engineering background, with a degree from the École Polytechnique, and I wrote a thesis on sustainable development in urban planning. Then I started my career in innovation consulting at a major company. I wanted to stay involved in innovation and R&D, but with a more practical approach, close to the ground. Naldeo gave me the confidence and support I needed to quickly build up my skills in energy issues. My manager very quickly introduced me to the players in the renewable energy ecosystem, and I was able to make my mark.

icone projet coup de coeurCan you tell us about one of your favorite projects?

It would be more like a program: one of France's main energy producers asked us to develop an innovative command and control system for around fifteen of its power stations. We won the contract by presenting them with a prototype, but the challenge was then to industrialize the solution, bearing in mind that each site had its own specific characteristics and required considerable adaptation. Winning the confidence of such a large multinational company for such a strategic project is a great achievement.

icone apprécié chez NaldeoWhat do you like most about the Naldeo group?

There are several things that stand out for me. Firstly, the human relations and the general mood. At the Tarnos site where I work, we organize a lot of extra-professional activities. During the lunch break, I practice sports with my colleagues. One sure sign is that as soon as the Covid lockdown ended, everyone spontaneously went back to work in the office.

Secondly, this atmosphere facilitates informal exchanges - and ultimately benefits our projects and our learning. For example, another team right next to my office is currently working on the prototype of an oxy-boiler as part of an industrial consortium: the idea is to achieve combustion using pure oxygen, so that the CO2 produced can then be captured and recycled more easily. After discussing the project, initially out of sheer curiosity, we identified opportunities to work together, particularly on the prototype's command and control module.

icone en dehors du travailWho are you outside of work?

Outside work, I'm first and foremost a husband and a father: we have three children aged between 3 and 10, and we give them priority. I also make time for my hobbies, music, and sport. Naldeo offers me enough flexibility to reconcile these different facets of my life; our culture is based on trust and responsibility.

icone avenir chez NaldeoHow do you see your future at the Naldeo group?

I'm now trying to give the people in my team more responsibility, to free up time to explore new subjects at the crossroads of energy and digital technology. We have ideas in agrisolar and data science applied to optimizing energy performance in industry. Green innovation has only just begun!

icone métierCan you describe your job?

I am advising local authorities such as communities of small towns, big cities and local energy communities on the development and implementation of their energy strategies. Many local authorities are now adopting a concerted long-term vision, often looking ahead to 2050, to produce more energy locally by making the most of their resources, such as solar energy, geothermal energy, biomass, waste, or industrial waste heat. My job is to analyze all options and prepare decisions of elected representatives. Once a strategy has been adopted, we translate it into a roadmap that includes investments to be made, amendments to planning documents and technical studies to be carried out. I also support local authorities in the management of their public energy distribution infrastructures, by negotiating their contracts with delegates and monitoring concessions. This is a public service mission, as it involves ensuring access to low-carbon, reliable and affordable energy for citizens.

icone parcours chez NaldeoWhat was your career path at the Naldeo group?

I joined the Group four years ago. As a student at École Centrale Lyon, I had a shock when I became interested in energy and the environment. I wanted to act upon these issues in a useful and practical way. After a few months at the Naldeo group, I discovered a theme that I wanted to explore further: making the most of data. Our customers have a considerable amount of data on energy consumption and production in their area. This data can be used in a more systematic and automated way. For example, I've helped to build a tool that can be used to cross-reference data on the layout of the electricity distribution network with data on vegetation cover to identify areas at risk of trees falling on power lines during storms. It's very stimulating to have the freedom to imagine and test new solutions in a trusting environment.

icone projet coup de coeurCan you tell us about one of your favorite projects?

One of my most memorable projects was my first assignment as project manager for a community of rural towns in the Drôme region. In this role, I was responsible for overseeing the progress of the project and ensuring customer satisfaction. This experience gave me a better understanding of the very nature of a consultancy assignment, which consists of moving forward step by step with the customer to gradually clarify their needs and advance their initial ambition. It's extremely gratifying when the results live up to expectations. In the case of this local authority, our roadmap leads to a significant increase in the proportion of renewable energy, a reduction in energy consumption thanks to soft mobility and a densification of the heating network, as well as a tripling of the proportion of energy produced locally.

icone apprécié chez NaldeoWhat do you like most about the Naldeo group?

The diversity of environmental issues that the Group deals with. It's an extraordinary source of enrichment: I know that withing fifteen meters of my desk, I will find an expert colleague I can ask any question, that he will make me feel welcome and that he'll be able to guide me effectively.

icone en dehors du travailWho are you outside of work?

Outside work, I'm passionate about running and ultimate Frisbee, which I play at a competitive level. I try to train regularly in the evenings and at weekends.

icone avenir chez NaldeoHow do you see your future at the Naldeo group?

I still have skills to develop, particularly in project management and interpersonal skills, so that I can successfully carry out consultancy assignments. I'm lucky to be surrounded by colleagues from whom I can learn, by observing them and benefiting from their coaching. As for the future, one thing is certain: I want to continue to find environmental meaning in my work.

icone métierCan you describe your job?

My role is to act as an expert on urban heating networks for local authorities, whether they are large cities or smaller towns, and for energy communities. Depending on the project, I can be involved at different stages: sometimes upstream, to carry out technical and business model studies and prepare the decisions of elected representatives; sometimes further downstream, to assist a local authority in preparing a call for tenders, or to monitor a public service delegation contract. It's a comprehensive job, with a strong technical dimension, as well as legal, regulatory, and business aspects. Finally, as in any consultancy activity, it is important to build relationships of trust with your clients, to know how to listen and to be listened to.

icone parcours chez NaldeoWhat was your career path at the Naldeo group?

I joined the Group two years ago. Before that, I worked for a heating network operator for six years, right after I finished my engineering studies. My role was very specialized: responding to calls for tenders. I felt the desire to move over ‘to the other side’ and make a greater contribution to serving local authorities, in the public interest. During my first eight months on the job, I worked in tandem with an experienced person, with the aim of becoming autonomous and then replacing her in her post. Now it's the other way round: I'm managing a trainee and a part-time student.

icone projet coup de coeurCan you tell us about one of your favorite projects?

I've found interest in all the projects I've undertaken so far. In my current project, for example, I'm working with a local authority that has a very ambitious development plan for its heating network but is limited by contractual constraints. I'm helping them to identify all the improvement levers at their disposal. Each assignment is unique and requires a personalized approach, which has enabled me to discover a variety of issues – and each time, it represents a technical and human learning experience.

icone apprécié chez NaldeoWhat do you like most about the Naldeo group?

I like the management culture at Naldeo, both in general and within my team. The group puts a lot of trust in our employees and gives them autonomy, while knowing that they can count on their colleagues to answer their questions, from the most trivial to the most technical. We enjoy both a great deal of freedom and a strong sense of solidarity.

icone en dehors du travailWho are you outside of work?

I'm very involved in fighting climate change. It's this interest that led me to choose an engineering school focusing on water and energy, as well as training to be a ‘Fresque du climat’ moderator. I notice the same sensitivity in most of my colleagues. Collectively, we're all working in the same direction, to steer our businesses and our customers towards more sustainable choices. We're also thinking about the impact of our business: for several years now, we've been measuring our company's carbon footprint and we're taking steps to continually reduce it. Obviously, there's still a lot to be done, both for our customers and for us, but I have the feeling that we're heading in the right direction and that I'm well supported to have a real impact.

icone avenir chez NaldeoHow do you see your future at the Naldeo group?

In my area of activity, the challenge is to scale up. Demand is still growing fast: more and more local authorities are seeking to escape the volatility of fossil fuel prices, to decarbonize heating, and to make the most of their local resources – whether solar energy, biomass, industrial waste heat or incinerated waste heat. This naturally leads them to take an interest in heating networks, which the French State encourages through subsidies. Against this backdrop, my team is continuing to develop. I have a lot to learn and a lot to pass on.

icone métierCan you describe your job?

My role is to advise local authorities on the management and recovery of their household waste. I get involved at various stages of their projects. Firstly, during the study phase, when the local authority is considering replacing its waste incineration and treatment plant. In this case, we carry out an analysis of the existing equipment, identify new needs and constraints, and explore opportunities for pooling or recycling in the area. We then present several investment and operating cost scenarios to help elected representatives reach a decision.

Another possible type of intervention: when a delegation contract comes to an end, we provide support for its renewal. We help the local authority to define its project, issue a call for tenders, analyze the bids, conduct negotiations, select the operator according to formal criteria, and then finalize the contract. This type of assignment requires both financial and legal knowledge - and above all a great deal of vigilance. The economic stakes are high, the contracts are often for a twenty-year or more duration, and legal recourse are not uncommon. Finally, we also monitor contracts. In this case, it involves a combination of site visits - to check that the planned maintenance work has been carried out by the operator, for example - and analyzes of monthly activity reports. What these missions have in common is that they are carried out in the public interest: we help local authorities to reduce the climatic and environmental footprint of their waste, and we ensure that public money is well spent.

icone parcours chez NaldeoWhat was your career path at the Naldeo group?

I've been with the Group for 26 years. In the early years, I got to familiarize with the various types of consultancy assignments and acquired the technical and human skills needed for this activity. Then I came to transfer this knowledge myself to more junior colleagues.

icone projet coup de coeurCan you tell us about one of your favorite projects?

I continue to find each new project interesting because it introduces me to new specificities or challenges. In my current project, for example, a major metropolitan area wants to merge two delegation contracts, rebuild an incineration site and control costs, against a backdrop of soaring electricity prices. Environmental regulations have become more stringent. There are several intertwined dimensions of complexity. But there is also a real sense of trust that has developed with the customer, which is a source of pride.

icone apprécié chez NaldeoWhat do you like most about the Naldeo group?

First and foremost, human relations. There's a level of trust and mutual support between us that I realize is quite unique. I know that I can express my point of view and that it will be listened to and taken into consideration.

icone en dehors du travailWho are you outside of work?

A hyperactive person... but who has always worked part-time, at 60%. When my children were young, I looked after them. Now I spend more time with my parents. I've also taken in migrant families and done other voluntary work. I read, go to the cinema and so on. I'm never idle.

icone avenir chez NaldeoHow do you see your future at the Naldeo group?

My priority is to continue to support our customers as I have always done. The regulatory and economic environment is changing very fast, and our customers are becoming more ambitious, which is forcing us to reinvent ourselves and think differently. There's no room for routine.

icone métierCan you describe your job?

I contribute to both project management and studies, bringing my skills as a topographer to the teams, but also, and this is complementary, as a specialist in geographic information systems. Our customers are local authorities and water management communities who are committed to a water transition approach. For example, they want to improve the quality and availability of their drinking water or optimize the treatment of their wastewater. We help them to take stock of the networks, identify the issues, then plan and carry out the work. In practical terms, I work either in the field, collecting data using various measuring devices – such as robotized topographic station, GPS, or drone - or in Naldeo's offices, working with my colleagues to structure, process and valorize existing field data in line with the customer's projects or issues. It's a very varied job with some data processing, technical support and advising.

icone parcours chez NaldeoWhat was your career path at the Naldeo group?

I've been with the Group for twenty years, and I've been able to observe the constant move towards digital technology and the increasing digitization of our activities, while contributing to this transition. Right from the start, I was encouraged to broaden my initial training in geographic information systems by obtaining an advanced technician certificate in surveying and topography, thanks to flexible working hours. Over the years, as measuring instruments and software have evolved, I've had the opportunity to take several training courses. Recently, I obtained my drone pilot qualification certificate, which gave me in-depth knowledge of safety regulations and gave me conditional authorization to fly drones in residential areas. I also took a course in photogrammetry, a technique for creating three-dimensional models from aerial shots. Whenever I've acquired new skills, I've played a key role in integrating them into our teams, so that we can put them to good use for our customers.

icone projet coup de coeurCan you tell us about one of your favorite projects?

I was asked to supervise topographic work for a major hydroelectric dam project in Cameroon. I spent six-month periods on site twice. As well as being able to wield a machete while working in the heart of the tropical forest, I learnt an enormous amount on a human level through contact with my local clients.

icone apprécié chez NaldeoWhat do you like most about the Naldeo group?

What motivates me most is the quality of the interactions with my colleagues. I'm lucky enough to be in a job that generates a lot of interest among our teams across France. They ask me challenging and varied questions about geographic information systems, computer-aided drawing, aerial imagery, and many other topics. The issues are constantly evolving, which makes our exchanges both enriching and stimulating, and it also pushes me to advance my knowledge and skills.

At the same time, I really appreciate the freedom I have. I now have a certain amount of experience in analyzing a customer's needs or challenges, or in identifying opportunities to improve our workflow. When I spot a piece of software or a technique that could help us on a day-to-day basis, I usually get the go quickly to invest and try it out.

icone en dehors du travailWho are you outside of work?

I'm passionate about technology, both in my personal and professional life. I spend a lot of time keeping abreast of new trends, studying new hardware and software as they emerge, borrowing them and testing them. This passion helps me to come up with new solutions to our customers' challenges.

icone avenir chez NaldeoHow do you see your future at the Naldeo group?

The drone service line, which we've just launched, is booming. There are a huge number of technologies whose potential we are just beginning to discover: 3D scanning, lidar, point clouds, etc. It's a paradigm shift for our business: mapping is no longer based on a few hundred points, but on millions. This is a new frontier to explore - and undoubtedly one that will add value for our customers. This will be my priority for the years to come.

icone métierCan you describe your job?

I am planning and coordinating the implementation of network and urban development works, with the aim of providing essential services and creating an attractive, sustainable living environment for local residents. In general, I must reconcile the expectations of a number of stakeholders: a water authority or local authority, a contractor operating the service, and a funding body such as a local authority or a water agency. Once these players are aligned, I monitor the work carried out by public works companies.

icone parcours chez NaldeoWhat was your career path at the Naldeo group?

I joined the company ten years ago as a technician at the Aubenas site. I made several career moves, encouraged by my superiors. I then left the company for four years but came back because I wanted to work on projects with a significant environmental impact. For family reasons, I also requested a transfer to the Lyon site.

icone projet coup de coeurCan you tell us about one of your favorite projects?

Among the many projects, I would highlight the redevelopment of the old city center of Vals-les-Bains in the Ardèche departement. I particularly enjoyed the discussions with the town-planning architects, who had an aesthetic and social vision that aimed to preserve the soul of the city and encourage people to spend time together. Our technical contribution was to consider the existing underground networks and to anticipate and manage extreme climatic events, such as the famous ‘cévenols’ floodings. Together, we succeeded in bringing real environmental benefits to the town, by renewing leaky drinking water networks, avoiding the mixing of wastewater and rainwater, and revitalizing and greening the heart of the town.

icone apprécié chez NaldeoWhat do you like most about the Naldeo group?

I particularly appreciate the opportunities for professional development and the entrepreneurial spirit that encourages commitment. I've been lucky enough to seize them at every stage of my career when I got into urban planning. As a young professional, I received a lot of support from my senior colleagues, which quickly established a climate of trust. What's more, I've had the opportunity to take several training courses, for example on project management for wastewater treatment plants, civil engineering for water works, and the financial aspects of network management, which has enabled me to engage more effectively with elected representatives. These training courses are both a means of personal development and recognition from the company for our work.

icone en dehors du travailWho are you outside of work?

I'm an elected official in my hometown and the mother of two children. The flexibility I enjoy in organizing my work and travel was one of the main reasons I came back to Naldeo.

icone avenir chez NaldeoHow do you see your future at the Naldeo group?

I've just taken up a new post. Initially, I'm going to find my bearings. But I know there's a lot to do: we're an ambitious group, with a determination to increase our environmental impact. Our customers choose us for this, they are driving forces behind us, and they largely share our long-term vision. We're going to make progress together.

icone métierCan you describe your job?

My clients are manufacturers, mainly in the traditional and renewable energy sectors, as well as the chemical industry. I help them to manage their industrial, environmental, and regulatory risks. In practical terms, this means carrying out hazard studies and risk analyses. I make recommendations so that they can comply with the Environmental Code and other regulatory frameworks, as well as their own safety policies in the case of large groups.

Alongside these operational tasks, I also have commercial and supervisory responsibilities, which have been growing since I became project manager. I have a mentoring role for the team's junior researchers, helping them to develop their skills in cutting-edge technical subjects.

icone parcours chez NaldeoWhat was your career path at the Naldeo group?

I joined the Group six years ago, with several years' experience in risk management in various design offices in France and South-East Asia. I joined Naldeo both out of personal choice - it fulfilled my desire to return to live in the South-West of France - and because of the technical interest of the assignments. It was a natural progression, with a gradual shift from producing assignments to supervising them.

icone projet coup de coeurCan you tell us about one of your favorite projects?

I remember one of my first projects. We were commissioned by a water treatment company after one of their pieces of equipment, a sludge dryer, exploded. Fortunately, the incident caused no casualties but did cause serious damage. Our client was aware they had been lucky. Our assignment was to audit all their equivalent equipment in France, i.e. around ten sites. Each of these dryers had its own specific characteristics. Beyond the technical interest of the assignment, it made me realize the importance of a golden rule when it comes to safety: it's impossible to make general assumptions, there are only unique cases, and each exception can prove to be a source of risk. In the final analysis, our recommendations on this assignment were highly targeted: for some sites, improvements could be made to achieve an acceptable level of safety, while for others, the replacement of vulnerable equipment was imperative.

icone apprécié chez NaldeoWhat do you like most about the Naldeo group?

First, I like the content of our assignments: we're always involved in projects with high stakes and a strong technical focus. There's no routine or weariness, but on the contrary, there are always opportunities to learn and challenge yourself.

Secondly, I also appreciate the management style and culture: our superiors leave us free to organize ourselves and approach assignments as we see fit. If necessary, they are available to give us the support we need, on request. I find this combination of flexibility and trust particularly motivating and empowering.

icone en dehors du travailWho are you outside of work?

Things aren't really compartmentalized between my work and my personal life. For example, I'm a keen runner, which I've been doing since I was eight, and I run almost every day during lunch breaks with colleagues. In the office, some people surf or play Basque pelota with their colleagues. There's a young, friendly atmosphere. I often see colleagues in the evening or at the weekend. When I go to work, it's a bit like meeting up with friends: I know we're going to share more than just professional concerns.

icone avenir chez NaldeoHow do you see your future at the Naldeo group?

I see myself continuing in my current role: I want to pass on what I've been lucky enough to learn, so I'll be devoting an increasing amount of my time to coaching and mentoring our more junior colleagues.

I'm also going to invest more in recruitment. We have a great need, particularly for experienced engineers with three to ten years' experience. Demand for risk management and reliability projects is exploding, both because regulatory constraints are tightening, but also because we're now seeing a dynamic of re-industrialization just about everywhere in France - which is good news. I give courses at engineering schools; I supervise trainees and I take part in recruitment interviews. I think it's important to step up the pace of recruitment, because it's a prerequisite for amplifying our collective action to protect the climate and the environment.