Mission and CSR

  • About us

Our mission: to act and provide the means to act

The hints of climate disruption and environmental crisis are surging globally, underscoring the pressing need for a deep transformation in production and social organization. These signs include a significant increase in average temperatures, a rise in the frequency of extreme weather events, the loss of biodiversity.

The year 2023 marked the hottest on record for the planet, with temperatures soaring by 1.5°C compared to the pre-industrial era—a benchmark established by the Paris agreements for the end of this century. This milestone should serve as an unambiguous call to action.

Confronted with these intricate challenges, a growing number of companies and public authorities have embarked on transformation programs, aiming to diminish their climate and environmental footprint while bolstering their resilience to climate change. The mission of the Naldeo group is to support them comprehensively, offering a full spectrum of expertise, and demonstrating unwavering commitment to making them succeed in their transformation.

Our mission: to act and provide the means to act

A systemic approach to tackle burning issues

Our approach hinges on the complementary of cutting-edge technical expertise, which we harness through substantial investments in recruitment and staff development. Whether engaged in audits, design and engineering work, construction work supervision, project management, or contract management, we explore all sustainability-related opportunities, as delineated by the European taxonomy: climate change mitigation; climate change adaptation; sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources; transition to a circular economy, waste prevention and recycling; pollution prevention and control; protection of healthy ecosystems.

Optimism, commitment, and rigor

We firmly believe in human capacity to cooperate and innovate, striving to devise tangible solutions to the challenges posed by climate change and environmental degradation. Since our inception, Naldeo has executed numerous missions that bear testimony to our proactive stance. We consistently quantify the positive environmental impact of our assignments—be it greenhouse gas emissions avoided, water treated or conserved, or waste recycled—serving as the primary yardstick of our collective achievements.

We walk the talk

The Naldeo group is committed to an ambitious Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy, updated every year. It measures our environmental impact in detail.

Clear environmental commitments

Our CSR policy is embodied in our environmental charter, which includes the following commitments: our fleet of company vehicles is made up exclusively of "green" vehicles (emissions of less than 100 grams of CO2 per kilometer), train travel is systematically favored, meetings are grouped together to minimize travel, and employees are encouraged to come to work by public transport or to carpool.

Responsible corporate and purchasing policies

The group also strives to rationalize its energy consumption by adopting practices such as switching equipment to standby mode and moderating office temperatures. Similarly, it strives to reduce paper consumption by encouraging electronic correspondence and implementing recycling measures. In terms of purchasing, the company favors eco-responsible products and encourages recycling and waste sorting. It sources its energy from renewable suppliers.

Recognized for our commitment

Committed to quality and respect for the environment, the Naldeo group holds ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001 certifications, as well as MASE-UIC certification.

A collective strive to continuous improvement

In addition, the group encourages its employees to take part in various initiatives and challenges aimed at promoting eco-responsible practices: European Sustainable Development Week, "no plastic" challenge, etc.