Optimizing household waste transport in Savoie

  • Projects

The Savoie department's mixed waste treatment syndicate wanted to optimize the transportation and management of waste across its territory. It commissioned Naldeo Stratégies Publiques to carry out a study aimed at making the system more efficient and cost-effective.

Our mission consisted in analyzing the collection and transfer sites, as well as the transport requirements for conveying the waste of the syndicate's members to the pooled treatment facilities. We examined how each member organized waste collection, as well as the associated costs and impacts. We then identified ways of simplifying and reducing transport costs, while limiting the environmental footprint of operations. We also overhauled the system for sharing costs between members, to make it more virtuous: we introduced financial incentives for members who reduced the volume of waste transported and processed.

The solution we've come up with will enable members of the syndicat mixte to reduce their individual costs, and rationalize treatment on the scale of the entire department.

Optimizing household waste transport in Savoie